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Municipality of Galtür


Municipality/lost property office/post office

Galtür is located at the intersection of Romanesque, Alemannic and Bajuwaric culture. It was settled on three sides: the Engadines from the south, the Walsers and Vorarlbergers from the west and the Tyroleans from the east. The name Galtür = Cultura still reminds us of the cultivation work of the Engadines. In the 19th century, the first roads were built through Paznaun. Travellers from all over the world “discovered” Galtür. They found a poor village ”with a church, an inn and 7 to 8 miserable huts”, as one report says.

You can find more information on the municipal-website.


Monday – Thursday 08:00 - 12:00
Friday 08:00 - 12:00
Monday – Thursday 13:00 - 18:00
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Contact us directly now
Gemeindeamt Galtür
Nr. 39
6563 Galtür
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