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The programme at Galtür Nordic Volumes

Top-class entertainment
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Great variety

The race and other highlights

All information at a glance

Great races and thrilling highlights before, after and between them: The Galtür Nordic Volumes is a thrilling experience for participants as well as for spectators.

The races

On Thursday, the Galtür Nordic Volumes kicks off with the legendary Nordic Sprint Race, followed by the Kids & Juniors  Race and the Cross-country Camp on Friday. On Saturday, the event continues with the Cross Country Climb through the stunning Vermunt valley and up to Bielerhöhe. 

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The race programme

Programme subject to change


  • 10:00 am: Online entry deadline Sprint Race & Cross Country Climb (late entry possible via RaceTime PRO App)
  • 03:00 pm - 04:30 pm: ONLINE entry check AC and FIS competition (Sprint) - Note: Associations that do not check their entries will not be drawn. 
  • 05:30 pm: Team captains' meeting Sprint Race (Race office community/online)
  • 05:30 pm: Team captains' meeting Kids & Juniors Race


  • 10:30 am - 01:00 pm: Race office open
  • 11:00 am - 01:00 pm: Official training
  • 11:00 am - 12:30 pm: Race number distribution Nordic Sprint Race - Race office (Note: only by nation/association/public cross-country, start number collection only in person)
  • 12:45 pm - 01:15 pm: Transponder distribution
  • 02:30 pm: Team captains' meeting for the finals
  • approx. 02:30 pm: Start number and transponder distribution for the finals in the finish area
  • 06:00 pm: Entry deadline Cross Country Climb (FIS and ÖSV)

Race: Nordic Sprint Race

  • 01:15 pm: Qualification - Note: Qualification for men and women, then division into the respective classes (U20, U18, U16, cross-country female, U20, U18, U16, cross-country male)
  • 03:00 pm - 06:30 pm: Finals - start times will be posted on site

Supporting programme

  • 11:00 am - 07:00 pm: Catering open in the event area
  • 12:00 pm - approx. 06:00 pm: EXPO open
  • 06:45 pm: Award ceremony in the finish area


  • 09:00 am: Online entry deadline Kids & Juniors Race
  • 09:00 am - 12:15 pm: Late entry for Kids & Juniors Race via RaceTimePro App
  • 10:00 am - 03:00 pm: Official training Cross Country Climb (Attention: changes are possible due to the avalanche situation at the time)
  • 11:00 am - 07:00 pm: Race office open
  • 11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Late entry and race number distribution Kids & Juniors Race - Race Office
  • 03:30 pm - 04:15: Cross-Country Climb entry check AC and FIS competition (Note: Associations that do not check their entries will not be drawn).
  • 04:30 pm - 07:00 pm: Late entry and race number distribution Cross Country Climb - Race Office (Note: only by nation/association/public cross-country race race numbers only in person)
  • 06:00 pm: Team captains' meeting Cross Country Climb (online)

Race: Kids & Juniors Race

  • 01:30 pm - 02:25 pm: Qualification
  • 02:30 pm - 03:15 pm: Finals

Supporting programme Kids Day

  • 09:30 am - 04:00 pm: EXPO open
  • 10:00 am: Meeting point for children's cross-country camp at the start/finish area
  • 10:30 am - 12:45 pm: Children's cross-country camp (for registered schools)
  • Approx. 03:30 pm: Award ceremony in the finish area (after the finals)


  • 05:45 am - 07:30 am: Race office open
  • 05:45 am - 06:45 am: Race number distribution Cross Country Climb (Race office)

Race: Cross Country Climb

  • 07:30 am: Start HARD route
    ATTENTION: The start times (HARD and LIGHT) may be postponed due to weather conditions or depending on the expected avalanche situation, or the start times may be brought forward. Information will be provided at the team captains' meeting and/or by participant email
  • approx. 07:45 am: Start LIGHT route
  • 08:20 am: Time limit Zeinislift valley station (for HARD route) - diversion to LIGHT route
  • 10:20 am: Time limit Baggerloch (for HARD route) - diversion to LIGHT route
  • 11:00 am: Time limit at bend 34 Silvretta High Alpine Road - (OTL = Out of Time Limit)
  • 12:00 pm: Last finish

Supporting programme

  • 07:30 am - approx. 01:00 pm: EXPO open
  • After the race: Award ceremonies in the finish area
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Highlights on top

The entertainment programme

Exciting breaks

To make time between the races fly by, there is a varied entertainment programme. And believe us when we say: There’s never a dull moment at Galtür Nordic Volumes!

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Gut zu wissen

All about Galtür Nordic Volumes

Information on the top event
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