tirol³ nordic CHALLENGE

Tyrol's top 3 Public races
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he Biggest Tyrolean Cross-Country Races United

Dolomitenlauf, Ganghoferlauf, and Galtür Nordic Volumes

Experience the ultimate cross-country skiing adventure and enjoy numerous benefits from the new partnership known as the Tirol³ Nordic Challenge. The three biggest Tyrolean races – Dolomitenlauf, Ganghoferlauf, and Galtür Nordic Volumes – have joined forces to strengthen Tyrolean recreational sports and offer you a unique experience.

You can expect exciting new competitions with exclusive awards and prizes, raffle prizes and discounts on registration fees.

Race Dates 2025:
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Benefit from the Partnership

Rabatt auf die Anmeldegebühr

Register for at least one event in each of the three races and automatically receive a 10% discount on the total participation fee for the third race (2025 in Galtür). If you participate in additional events within the three races, the discount will also apply to these participation fees.

Important: Use the same name spelling and birth date for all registrations to ensure everything runs smoothly.

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Ratings and prizes

You can take part in the Tirol³ Nordic Challenge either as an individual or as a team of up to 20 people, as long as you take part in at least one race at each venue. All participants receive a medal and a personalised certificate after completing the three races.

There are also special awards and prizes in three different ratings:

Individual Rating

Individuals receive an award and a medal in the gold, silver or bronze categories depending on the distance chosen. Long distance is defined as a distance of 40 km or more, short distance as a distance of 20 km or more. The classification is independent of the time achieved and is calculated over several seasons.

  • Gold: at least 3 long distances
  • Silver: at least 1 long distance and 2 short distances or 2 long distances and 1 short distance
  • Bronze: at least 3 short distances

In the gold category, in addition to the award, high-quality regional vouchers from the three regions are raffled off among all successful participants each season.

The awards, medals and prizes achieved are sent by post each year after the end of the season.

Cup Rating

The cup classification is organised for individuals and has a classic competitive character. The fastest participants per season are rewarded. In order to eliminate the different distances, the daily performances are scored according to the following scheme: best time of the day in seconds x 1,000 (maximum points) / own time in seconds. The points scored in the three races are added together and the higher the number of points at the end, the better the ranking at the end.

Award Ceremony Tirol³ Nordic Cup: The first ten places in the men's and women's categories will be honoured at the award ceremony of the Cross Country Climb in Galtür and will receive a medal and an award.

Team Rating

For this classification, participants can form mixed teams of up to 20 people. The team with the most members who collect the most kilometres over short and long distances (no sprint) wins. In order for a team member and their kilometres to be counted, they must take part in at least one competition at each venue.

The winning team will win an exclusive holiday in Galtür in summer 2025, including 2 nights with half board and a training camp to prepare for the upcoming cross-country skiing season. The highlight of the holiday is a meet & greet with the Austrian professional cross-country skier Teresa Stadlober.

Award Ceremony Tirol³ Nordic Team Challenge: The winning team is honoured at the award ceremony of the Cross Country Climb in Galtür.

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your Tirol³ Nordic Family

Sign up and be part of the Tirol³ Nordic Challenge 2025!
Take part and win!

Take part in our survey and with a little luck win a holiday in Austria!