Good to know

Register for the Galtür Nordic Volumes

All details at a glance
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Register now!

be sure to take part

As soon as you have decided to take part in one of the races, you should be quick - there is a registration deadline for each race.

Good to know: Participation in the Kids & Juniors Race is free of charge.


Registration SPRINT RACE

Registration KIDS & JUNIORS RACE

Or simply book the package including entry fee for the Cross Country Climb and Nordic Sprint Race:

To the package

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Who’s in?

Starting LIst

All Participants
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Good to know

Age groups for the races

All at a glance
Category Y.O.B.
Youth 1 f/m 2009 – 2010
Youth 2 f/m 2007 – 2008
General class f/m 2006 and older


Category Y.O.B.
K7 & K8, f+m together 2017 – 2018
K9 & K10, f+m together 2015 – 2016
K11 & K12 f/m 2013 – 2014
S13 & S14 f/m 2011 – 2012
S15, f+m together 2010


Category Y.O.B. Note public race Note ÖM Langdistanz
Youth 1 f/m (S15, J16) 2009 – 2010 Route Light Route Light
Youth 2 f/m (J18) 2007 – 2008 Route Light Route Light
Juniors f/m (J120) 2005 – 2006 Route Light or Hard Y.O.B. 2006 and older, Route Hard
General f/m 1985 – 2004 Route Light or Hard Y.O.B. 2006 and older, Route Hard
Ag II-III f/m 1965 – 1984 Route Light or Hard  
Ag IV f/m and older 1964 and older Route Light or Hard  


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Useful information

Entry fee

An overview
  Youth 1 & 2 General Class
Regular entry fee with entitlement to prize money 25,00 25,00
Entry fee Austria Cup without entitlement to prize money 8,00 11,00

All prices in Euro

Good to know: Free starting place for Paznaun - Ischgl CREW Card holders!

  • Regular entry fee also applies to FIS registrations, including entitlement to prize money and non-cash prizes.
  • Entry fee for the Austria Cup according to the Ski Austria fee table.
  • Registration for the Austria Cup is only possible through the regional associations. Payment of the stated entry fee for the Austria Cup entitles the participant to take part in the Austria Cup points race (race within a race), but there is no entitlement to prize money and non-cash prizes. A supplement to the regular entry fee to receive all benefits is possible.
  • Option for participants: Entry fee cancellation protection 2 Euro (via RaceTimePro)

Participation is free of charge, so there is no entry fee to pay.

  Strecke Light Strecke Hard
  Regular Euro Loppet ÖM/ÖSV J1/J2 top-up ÖM/ÖSV Regular Euro Loppet ÖM/ÖSV Regular top-up ÖM/ÖSV
to 31.12.24 35,00 35,00 8,00 + 25,00 41,00 41,00 11,00 + 25,00
to 28.02.25 45,00 36,00 8,00 + 35,00 51,00 41,00 11,00 + 35,00
to 26.03.25 (10:00 am) 55,00 44,00 8,00 + 45,00 61,00 61,00 49,00 + 45,00
Late entry from 26.03.25 (10:30 am) 60,00 48,00     70,00 56,00    

All prices in Euro

Good to know: Free starting place for Paznaun - Ischgl CREW Card holders!

  • Regular entry fee also applies to FIS registrations, including entitlement to prize money, non-cash prizes and meal vouchers.
  • Entry fee for the Austrian Long Distance Championships according to the Ski Austria fee table (there is no staggered scale).
  • Registration for the Austrian Long Distance Championships/Austria Cup is only possible through the national associations. Payment of the stated entry fee for the Austrian Championships entitles the participant to take part in the Austria Cup points race (race within a race), but there is no entitlement to prize money, non-cash prizes or meal vouchers. A top-up payment to the entry fee valid on the date of registration to receive all benefits is possible as shown in the table above.
  • Reduced entry fee for athletes with a Euro Loppet Pass
  • Option for participants: Entry fee cancellation protection 2 Euro (via RaceTimePro)


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Useful information

prize money

An overview
  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
General class f/m 1.500 1.000 600 400 250
Youth 1 & 2 High-quality prizes from our partners & sponsors
Fastest in the qualification + one weekend each in Galtür for 2 persons

All prices in Euro

All participating children and youths will receive high-quality prizes from our partners and sponsors.

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Overall winner f/m
Route Hard
1.500 1.000 600 400 250
Overall winner f/m Route Light High-quality prizes from our partners & sponsors
all participants + Raffle of 2 weekends for 2 people each in Galtür
+ finisher medals & online certificates via RaceTiime PRO

All prices in Euro

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Conditions of participation
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Good to know

All about the Galtür Nordic Volumes

Details on the top-class event